New Jersey Dem Under Fire for Lobbying Against Sex Offender Registry

[ – 9/22/20]

New Jersey congressman Tom Malinowski (D.), who is locked in a close reelection battle, is under fire for his role lobbying against the creation of a sex offender registry.

The fresh scrutiny comes in the wake of a Washington Free Beacon report last month detailing Malinowski’s role as the top lobbyist for Human Rights Watch when the organization opposed the 2006 Omnibus Crime Bill that enhanced the national sex offender registry originally created in 1994.

After a television advertisement seized on his role lobbying against the bill, and his Republican opponent, Tom Kean, Jr., raised the issue in a debate, the Democrat has worked to distance himself from the group’s role, arguing in a recent debate that his name was listed on lobbying disclosure reports as a formality. “We submitted lobbying reports that listed everybody in the organization who lobbied on any issue,” he said.

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When biblical law goes against government no matter if its in a constitutional law its not law. There is always a higher power in control.

Even the people of the time couldn’t keep the law of the commandments. One still wonders if the world is still flat or did Columbus make a turn around in his plight plans, but true American government is based on the bible plain and simple. Yes this guy working on this registry ordeal is impressive. I’m no bible thumper or scholar as some may call it. Even my grandmother didn’t like us kids going to the movies.

Human Rights Watch is more in touch with reality than congress, but why embrace evidence that goes against the narrative. At this rate more people will be on the Hit List increasing the numbers of people in modern day slavery than how will politicians pivot. I was against the Hit list the whole time but I never stood up because I’m spineless and enjoyed playing whack a mole. As Mark Levin used to say on his radio show, “ get off my phone you big dope!”

His stance against the registry just shows he’s smarter than the average politician.

Interestingly, the below Psychology Today article surprisingly acknowledges the ineffectiveness of the registry.

I wish the Congressman stood his ground and explained the destructive qualities of the harsher laws. That might have helped his run for re-election and showed true honesty, which we don’t find in politicians of today.

It is a human rights issue as much as a civil rights issue. Rendering a human subservient to database machine property is slavery repackaged.

Yup having residence restrictions making people homeless and unemployed makes perfect sense. What a bunch of overpaid piles of cow dung. I just insulted cows at least that aren’t mad like these clowns.

Ok Tim in WI you win with your computer theory but whats it gonna prove. Instigation of suffication or a note from America or the witer that penned the King James version saying we missed a few tablets in the dead Saga/Schrool era, or did Lots wife really turn back. I’m sure you could find that answer in National Geographics or maybe in a penny boozuka bubble gum wrapper. Tim its much more than computer data in many respects.

This registration is defimation of character or is their some restoration, and where is this modern day angel watch or who was the brightest angel in the bible. How many have gotten burned from the internet Tim, tell us. My dad use to say Speak or never hold your peace. And yes he took off his belt to ever one of us 5 kids at times. You should Government take another look at Daniel and one’s seven year itch theory. Even office planning has its right measures and wrong or was Obama right 100% or the penant farmer Carter as you all say. Guess we could skip over kennedy and the missle crisses things of that nature.

I have a brother named David in Florida that is a retired Dentist. He went to a Christian College. We all (sex offenders) just happen to be going thru all this as we all did this war zone period but yes with your computers its a lot different. I know your just saying computers but computers can never replace the human mind or did computers set the world up or make the sky scrapers. Dish out laws of equality as Ginsburg did with fair understanding.

Now were is one’s Status of Liberty today or should we tear that down as all the other monuments or even lady liberty as Solomon wrote about. Database or not its all wrong to probe in that area. One of my neighbors when I was growing up was an Umpire at school baseball games.

He’s a coward that throws people under the bus when it suits his needs. We don’t need people like this in charge of policies. But this article was great for all the points it made against the registry without any BS of how it will totally protect the community.


Laura Loomer, a Republican running for Congress in Florida, has sued Big Tech because she’s banned from most social media platforms. Her legal team recently lost a challenge, but the judge opened the door for her to pursue a case through constitutional grounds.

Well, the one case that her legal team is citing? “Packingham v. North Carolina, a ruling which determined that it was unconstitutional to ban sex offenders from social media. The case essentially set the precedent that social media is a 1st Amendment right.”

It is official. Conservative Republican congressional candidates are now citing registered citizen court cases beneficial to registrants! Ha ha ha…